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  • Tracking Giving during Covid 19

    Monetary Donations

    2021-07-16Fossil Contracting; Masimba Holdings Limited; Bitumen World; Exodus and Company500,000USD
    2021-07-16CBZ Agro Yield250,000USD
    2021-07-16Sakunda Holdings17,000,000ZWL
    2021-07-16ZB Financial Holdings Limited50,000USD
    2021-07-16West Property Company (Pvt.) Ltd/Ken Sharpe50,000USD
    2021-07-16Mr. Scot Sakupwanya100,000USD

    Non-Monetary Donations

    --Jessuits MissionFood aid to 500 Mbare residents in Harare
    2021-06-25Zimbabwe Association of DoctorsPPE materials and medical sundries to Parirenyatwa group of Hospitals.
    2021-06-14New Avakash International.Face masks, face shields and reusable scrubs
    2021-07-08China Two million vaccine doses of Sinovac
    2021-05-27India and AFBD Group20 ambulances
    2021-05-17People’s Liberation Army of China100 000 doses of Sinopharm vaccines and syringes for the Defence Forces
    2021-06-24Satewave Technologies 57 PCR machines, SARS-CoV-2 PCR reagents that detect different variant of SARS-CoV-2 and traditional Chinese medicine
    2021-05-27WHO ZimbabwePPE, ventilators, bio-hazard & Nucleic Buffer
    2021-11-25Republic of MauritiusZimbabwe received 60 000 Sinopharm doses from the Republic of Mauritius. [text](https://twitter.com/MoHCCZim/status/1463884738213597187)


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